Complimentary Tax Certificates for Real Estate Video Released Online

Complimentary tax certificates for real estate video series is now released online at This new series is designed to educate beginning and advanced real estate investors about the topic of using a tax certificate as an investment in 2013.

Houston, Texas (PRWEB) January 10, 2013
Investing is one area that can be confusing to many people and real estate investing brings many challenges to beginning and advanced investors. The website has now released a complimentary tax certificates for real estate video series online. Direct access to the video is available at
This informative video explains the various ways that certificates can be used and the process of how to locate available properties.
Buying a property for a discount price is possible and many top investors use specific strategies to accomplish this task. While some do not qualify for traditional financing, those that know about certain inclusions in the tax code could benefit from applying these strategies.
Part of the video series that is now available online is designed to walk someone through the process of understanding certificates for taxation and how these can be used to earn returns.
“The misconception in real estate investing is that a person needs a lot of money to acquire a property or to earn returns,” said Ted Thomas in his video series online. “The smart investors know how to use the government-backed securities to earn consistent returns,” added Ted.
Ted is the author of more than 30 books and DVDs to provide educational materials to beginners and advanced investors. While some of the authored information is now out of print, a large portion of what is available is now offered from the website. These offerings are provided apart from the no cost webinars and videos that are now offered to supply men and women with proven strategies to use.
About Ted Thomas
Ted Thomas is one of the leading authorities online and offline now educating men and women about tax deeds and tax certificates. These two investment types represent part of the information that is offered through books, video guides and in-person live events. Ted has personally instructed thousands of men and women during his 25-year career as an educator. As a private consultant, Ted Thomas provides his vast knowledge of investment strategies to companies and entrepreneurs that want to expand real estate investments. Ted is a frequent public speaker at top conferences around the U.S. and is based in Merritt Island, Florida.

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Complimentary Tax Certificates for Real Estate Video Released Online